

Elevate your App
to Global Markets

The ultimate AI-powered localization tool for Xcode projects.
Streamline App Store submissions, open your app to the world.
For developers aiming for global reach, start here.

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Notarized by Apple

Xpolyglot is notarized by Apple, ensuring that it is free from malware and safe to run on your Mac.

Welcome Screen

Manage your projects

Easily import from Xcode

Import your Xcode projects with just a few clicks and enjoy the seamless integration with your development workflow.

All your projects in one place

Keep track of your localization projects at a glance. Xpolyglot will help you to keep your translations up to date.

Welcome Screen

Localize your strings


Harness the power of artificial intelligence to help you localize your string catalog in a breeze, for a fraction of the cost of a professional translator. An OpenAI API key is required.

Delta updates

Xpolyglot will detect changed strings and only translate what needs to be translated, saving you time and money.

Estimate your savings

Estimate the cost of using Xpolyglot versus traditional translation services.

Localization Keys200
Localized Languages5
Words per KeyDepending on your project
Cost per WordFor traditional translation service
Human Translation
Estimated Savings

Note: Xpolyglot requires a separate OpenAI API key, which can be obtained at openai.com.

Assumptions: The system prompt adds 350 tokens / key. The avg. token count / word is 2. These values were conservatively chosen.

Includes the cost of the Xpolyglot app itself, and the estimated OpenAI API usage cost.

Welcome Screen

Globalize your metadata

Painless global metadata management

Xpolyglot will help you to keep your App Store Connect description and keywords up to date across all supported languages.

Fully automated and precise

Descriptions and keywords are checked for length and relevance, ensuring that your app is discoverable in all target markets.

Welcome Screen

Painless app updates

Version management made easy

Create new versions and translate the "What's new" section into your target languages with ease.

Keep your users informed

Xpolyglot will help you to keep your users informed about the latest features and bug fixes in their native language.


Proudly made by FiveSheep

FiveSheep is a small software development company based in Estonia.

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